I have moved my blog to my new website at www.christianpiatt.com. You can link to the blog directly from the home page, and there is an RSS feed you can pick up if you would like to subscribe.
Thanks for following, and hope to greet you at the new site!
My wife, Amy, and I wrote a book a couple of years ago called MySpace to Sacred Space: God for a New Generation (Chalice Press). One of the main themes of the book is that young adults, many of whom feel alienated from organized religion, are seeking meaningful connection with one another. We believe one of the best ways to nurture this sort of connection is through sharing our stories.
In the book, Amy and I both share our own stories of our relationships with faith, religion and God, and so I created this audio chapter of my own personal journey.
Like any relationship, there are good and bad times, but in all, Id say its been worth it.
You can also subscribe to the podcast, where Ill continue to add other audio chapters and interviews with some interesting folks, on iTunes, Podcast Alley, Podbean or at my personal website which you can find at www.christianpiatt.com.
Let me know what you think, and please check out the book if you dig the podcast.
I’m happy to announce I have to CD projects finally available to the public.
The first recording is a spoken word and Jazz Improvisation project I completed last summer with some amazing young players. The session is live, and I think there are some moments of great chemistry caught in this recording. The group is called S’aint Trio and the recording, titled “An Improvised Faith,” is named after one of the tracks:
The second is a collection of solo acoustic pieces I have written over the years, some with multi-tracks, and some just straight-up live. It’s called the “Effect-Free LP” because it’s completely absent of any digital magic, hopefully to let the true spirit of the songs shine through:
You can also subscribe to the podcast in iTunes, Podcast Alley, Podbean and lots of other podcatcher systems.
The full manuscript is on the desk of the Editor-in-Chief at a major publisher, so hopefully everyone will get to enjoy the full book in the near future. Until then, dig on the podcast, and stay tuned for more projects to come soon.